The Room Upstairs:
Exploring the Life and Poetry of Hazel Hall

In 2017, musician and educator Matthew Svoboda introduced me to the life and work of Hall. Together, we researched her life, poetry, and the history of Portland during her lifetime. We did this through visiting the Oregon Historical Society’s research library, touring Hall’s former home with the current residents, exploring the City of Portland and Multnomah County Library’s digital archives, and meeting with visual artists making artwork inspired by Hall.
We used this research to develop a performance at Lane Community College depicting and celebrating Hall’s life. Matthew composed a three-movement work for dance that echoes the themes of Hall's three books and collaborated with two choreographers on a performance with a group of Lane students and a dancer from the community who uses a wheelchair, portraying Hall.

The content and design of the event poster, program, and poetry broadsides were shaped by our research in collaboration with graphic designer, Cat Frink, who was a senior at Lane. Photo by Laura Glazer.

The current residents of Hall’s former home very kindly gave us a tour of her second floor apartment. During the tour we all delighted in identifying architectural features we suspected were original to time in which she lived there and looking through the same windows she gazed through as inspiration for her poems. Photo by Laura Glazer.

After the performance, dancers and the audience were invited to make a gesture of hands holding a book, symbolizing the offering of Hall’s work to the world outside her window. Photo by Cat Frink.

Project by
Laura Glazer, Matthew SvobodaCollaborators
Mari Dewitt, Cat Frink, James McConkey, Jana Meszaros, Sarah M. Nemecek Participants
Karen Daly, Geri Doran,
Heather Kidd, Lane Dance CompanyLocations
Portland, OregonEugene, Oregon