How to Mail a Letter Anywhere in the U.S. / Cómo envia una carta por correo a cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos

I adapted the United States Postal Service’s How to Send a Letter or Postcard: Domestic and published it as a free booklet. I also distribute copies at letterwriting workshops and events.

Beatriz Quintero and Diana Marcela Cuartas of El Conocimiento Migrante translated it into Spanish. The printed version is available for free at the Independent Publishing Resource Center (IPRC) and other locations in Portland, Oregon. It is also available as a free download here—please print and distribute it! (Although check back here once in awhile for updates in case anything changes!)

The booklet was made possible through the generous sponsorship of El Conocimiento Migrante, The Portland Stamp Company, Oregon Humanities, and the IPRC.

Note: If you want to have it printed by a commercial printing company you can use the follow specifications to request a price quote:
    • Dimensions: 4.25 in wide x 5.5 high
    • Pages: 16 (self cover)
    • Stock: 28 lb text - white (or whatever color you want! I used “Canary” yellow.)
    • Color: 4/4 full color
    • Finishing: Fold and staple
    • Bleeds: No


How to Mail a Letter Anywhere in the U.S. 

Cómo envia una carta por correo a cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos

Project by:
Laura Glazer 

Sponsored by: El Conocimiento Migrante, The Portland Stamp Company, Oregon Humanities, and the Independent Publishing Resource Center (IPRC)

Special thanks:
Shay Mirk

Portland, Oregon
